Вознесение БР {5517}
Ascension of the Virgin
Gift of Mrs. J.L.Dorminy, in memory of her husband.
Карраччи Л.
Lodovico Carracci
Северная Каролина: музей Худ.
North Carolina: North Carolina Museum of Art
In this altarpiece, Carracci combines the Virgin's Assumption with the discovery of Her empty tomb by the apostles, much as Massimo Stanzione does in his rendition of the same subject at the far end of this gallery.
The outward gaze of the apostle John draws us into the composition, making us participants in the miraculous drama that unfolds.
To make the Assumption as realistic as possible, Carracci portrays the apostles with individualized features and gestures.
By showing the Virgin triumphantly borne above funerary monuments of the Roman (on the left), Egyptian (the obelisk inscribed with hieroglyphs in the center background), and Jewish (the sarcophagus on the right that bears a relief of the stone tablets of Moses) religions, the artist asserts the superiority of the Christian (in this case Catholic) faith over them.
Oil on canvas.
№ 57.21.1.
предмет с изображением:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
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