Иконостас {5540}
- история:
- Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Fund.
- автор:
- Уголино да Сиена
- Ugolino da Siena
- история:
- Italian painter.
- место:
- Кливленд: музей искусства (1961 )
- Cleveland: museum of art
- композиция:
- Распятие с предстоящими, навершия
- Crucifixion with attendants, on pinnacles
- композиция:
- Распятие
- Crucifixion
- Saints
- композиция:
- St Peter holds the keys of heaven and St Paul the sword with which he was beheaded.
- БР и Младенец со святыми
- Virgin and Child with saints
- композиция:
- БР и Младенец
- Virgin and Child
- композиция:
- Virgin tenderly holds the Child Who reaches up to touch Her face.
- The combination of an image of Christ's infancy with one of His death reflects the popular belief that the Virgin realized and contemplated Her Son's destiny, as should the viewer.
- By showing the principal figures in half-length (in what is called a dossal altarpiece), the artist gives them a directness and intimacy as they confront the viewer.
- Святые
- Saints
- порядок сцен:
- 1 Св. Франциск
- St Francis
- композиция:
- He bears stigmata on his hands.
- 2 Св. Иоанн Креститель
- St John the Baptist
- композиция:
- He wears the animal skins from his time in the wilderness.
- 4
5 Св. Мария Магдалина
- St Mary Magdalene
- композиция:
- She carries the jar of perfume with which she anointed Christ.
- оформление:
- ~1322.
- Oil on wood.
- 1925х1225.
- № 1961.40.
- предмет с изображением:
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