БР и Младенец с ангелами и свв. Иеронимом и Екатериной Александрийской {5556}
Virgin and Child with angels and SS Jerome and Catherine of Alexandria
The Fanny Tewksbury King Collection.
Каролино да Витербо
Carolino da Viterbo
Кливленд: музей искусства (1956 )
Cleveland: museum of art
In his right hand, the Child grasps a stem of roses. The beauty and fragrance of roses symbolize heaven, while their thorny stems allude to the crown of thorns and Christ's suffering. The bird Christ holds in His left hand is a goldfinch.
Although small songbirds were often kept as children's pets, in Christ's hands, a bird can also symbolize the human soul. The elaborate haloes with Latin inscriptions identify the figures and help organize the composition. The names of Christ, St. Jerome, and St. Catherine of Alexandria appear in abbreviated form. The Virgin's halo proclaims her worthiness to bear the Son of God: "Hail, full of grace", while the inscription at the top is one of her most popular titles: "Merciful Mother".
The elaborate haloes with Latin inscriptions identify the figures and help organize the composition. The names of Christ, St. Jerome, and St. Catherine of Alexandria appear in abbreviated form. The Virgin's halo proclaims her worthiness to bear the Son of God: "Hail, full of grace", while the inscription at the top is one of her most popular titles: "Merciful Mother".
Tempera and gold on wood.
475х685х50 - framed.
597х390 - unframed.
№ 1956.719.
предмет с изображением:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
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