The Filippini altarpiece remained in its original position until 1811 when Filippini descendants broke up Signorelli's altarpiece in the wake of Napoleon's suppression of European monastic churches.
Сигнорелли Л.
Luca Signorelli
Арцевия: церковь св. Франциска (1508 - 1811)
Arcevia: church of San Francesco
Filippini chapel
Коронование БР, навершие
Coronation of Virgin, lunette
It had would change hands several times.
Museum purchase with funds provided by the Gerald and Inez Grant Parker Foundation, Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Binney 3rd, and Museum Art Purchase funds.
частное собрание (1860 - 1985)
a private British collection
Сан-Диего: музей искусства (1985 )
San Diego: SDMA
The arched panel shows the Virgin, richly clothed in garments of red and green, and robed in a star-bedecked mantle of midnight blue.
She bows with grace and humility before Her similarly dressed Son, Who reverently places a golden crown on Her head, while God the Father, above, bestows a blessing on the pair.
Signorelli created the crown using a technique called pastiglia, which involved building up the surface of the panel with gesso.
This gives the crown additional mass and emphasizes its importance.
Two angels, one with a lute, the other holding a lira di braccia, flank the figures, while above two cherubim emerge from the celestial rainbow.
The rainbow is a symbol for union and reconciliation and for the pardon given to humanity by God, after the flood. A rainbow is often used as the Lord's throne. In Medieval and Renaissance literature, Christ's throne in heaven was described as surrounded by a rainbow.
Maria's blue robe - now darkened with age - symbolizes heaven and heavenly love.
The green symbolizes spring or the triumph of life over death.
Red, the color of blood, symbolizes the Passion of Christ. Music-making angels symbolize earthly love and relate here to the earthly harmony of humanity and the Church.
БР и Младенец на троне со свв. Симоном, Яковом, Франциском и Бонавентуром, центр
Virgin and Child enthroned with SS Simon, James, Francis, and Bonaventure
Милан: пинакотека Брера
Milan: Pinacoteca di Brera
Life-sized figures.
Страсти Господни
Passion of Christ
Альтенбург: музей Линденау
Altenburg (Germany): Lindenau Museum
four of the enframing panels of various saints
Альтенбург: музей Линденау
Altenburg (Germany): Lindenau Museum
Surrey (England): a private collection
1508. Marches, Italy.
Oil on panel.
On the pedestal of Maria's throne on the Brera panel are inscribed the artist's signature, the date 1508, and the name of the patron, Giacomo di Simone Filippini.