Молитвенник {5745}
- история:
- The codex was made for Matthias, King of Hungary.
- In 1526 it was brought to the Netherlands by the flighting Queen Mary, widow of the Hungarian King Louis II who died in the Battle of Mohacs against the Turks.
Mary became the governess of the Netherlands and the following governors took their oaths on this Missale.
- автор:
- Аттаванте дельи Аттаванти
- Attavante degli Attavanti
- история:
- Аттаванте дельи Аттаванти (1452 - ~1525)
- He was one of the outstanding miniaturists of the Florentine Renaissance.
- He came from an aristocratic family and studied with Francesco Antonio del Cherico, the most significant Florentine miniaturist of the time.
In the 1480s he already worked independently, his first dated and signed work is a Missale in Lyon.
Later he worked in the court of the humanist Hungarian King Matthias and he decorated here more than 30 manuscripts among them the Missale presently in Brussels.
- место:
- Брюссель: библиотека королевская Альберта I
- Brussels: Bibliotheque Royale Albert 1er
- техника:
- миниатюра
- miniature
- название:
- Распятие с предстоящими, с образами на полях
- Crucifixion with attendants, with images on borders
- порядок сцен (от левого верхнего угла против часовой стрелки):
- Благовещение
- Annunciation
- Nativity
Поклонение волхвов
- Adoration of the magi
Обрезание Христа
- Circumcision of Christ
Отрок Христос среди учителей иудейских
- Disputation with the Doctors
- композиция:
- Без БР.
- предмет с изображением:
- Baptism
Ангелы с гербом
- Angels with coat of arms
Свадьба в Кане
- The wedding feast in Cana
Моление о чаше
- Prayer about cup
Поцелуй Иуды
- Kiss of Judas
Пред Пилатом
- Judgement of Pilat
Бичевание Христа
- Flagellation of Christ
Несение креста
- Christ carrying the cross
Распятие с предстоящими, центр
- Crucifixion with attendants
- оформление:
- Full-page miniature.
- Центральная сцена охвачена внизу и сбоков обрамлением с образами, ангелочками и растительным орнаментом.
- предмет с изображением:
- оформление:
- 1485...87.
- Рукопись.
- Manuscript.
| ![Valenik](http://valenik.narod.ru/nvv.jpg) |