Эта самая известная картина маньеризма стала его своеобразным изобразительным манифестом.
It is one of the most representative of the 16th century Mannerist style.
Francisco Parmigianino
Флоренция: гал. Уффици
Florence: Galleria degli Uffizi
Parmigianino room
БР и Младенец на троне с ангелами и св. Иеронимом
Virgin and Child enthroned with angels and St Jerome
Parmigianino's elongated figures, particularly that of the Virgin with Her tapering fingers and swan-like body, create a smooth unity of curving, twisting lines that give the composition a calm note of harmony.
The Child is lying languidly, probably sleeping, while his mother watches him with an air of satisfaction, while a group of children, one of them carrying an amphora, crowd together in such a way that they fill in the left-hand side of the picture.
There are plenty of references Classical style, such as the decoration and wealth of detail, especially in the hair styles.
The person in the background, on the right is probably a prophet with an unrolled scroll, his head turned away.
There is still debate as to the interpretation of this picture.