Страсти Господни {6063}
Passion of Christ
The theme of the Passion appeared in visual arts at the dawn of Christian iconography and at various times it represented, more or less fully, the Passion of Christ described in the Gospels by St. Matthew and St. John. The theme was elucidated in various kinds of both West-European and Byzantine art. Separate subjects usually comprise cycles which chronologically reproduce events according to evangelical texts. Under the influence of theological meditations on the act of redemption most of The Passion icons incorporated the Crucifixion in the center of the composition as an apotheosis of the cycle. The oldest frescos on this theme belong to the 11th century (St. Sophia Cathedral of Kyiv).Almost every Ukrainian church had either murals or icons on the Passion theme.
Дрогобыч: церковь Воздвижения св. креста
Drogobych, Lviv region: church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
11 Воскрешение Лазаря
The Raising of Lazarus

12 Вход в Иерусалим

Entry into Jerusalem

13 Тайная вечеря

Last supper

14 Омовение ног

The washing of the feet

15 Моление о чаше

The Agony in the garden

21 Христос пред спящими апостолами

Christ before the sleeping apostles

22 Христос пред войском

Christ before the host

23-33 Распятие с предстоящими

Crucifixion with attendants

24 Поцелуй Иуды

Betrayal of Judas

25 Христос пред

Christ before Annas

31 Христос пред Иродом

Christ before Herod

32 Бичевание Христа

Scourging of Christ

34 Истязание Христа

Mocking of Christ

35 В претории

In the Praetorium

41 Суд Пилата

Judgment of Pilate

42 Суд синедриона

Synedrion trial

43 Несение креста

The Bearing of the Cross 44 Снятие со креста

45 Положение во гроб


51 Воскресение


52 Явление Христа св. жёнам

Christ appearing to the holy women

53 Сошествие во ад

The Descent into limbo

54 Отослание апостолов на проповедь

Sending the apostles to preach the Gospel

55 Уверование св. Фомы

The Doubting of Thomas
2180 (420+420+500+420+420) х 2570.
The icon consists of five lime panels painted with egg tempera.
Thanks to the gold background it is reminiscent of Old Rus' frescos with gold background, and looks especially spectacular in the wooden church.
Multipartite icon.
предмет с изображением:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
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