Боголюбская, с Житием свв. Зосимы и Савватия Соловецких {6138}
Andrew Bogolyubsky's Virgin, with Lifes of SS Zosima and Savvaty
Написана по заказу св. Филиппа.
It was painted to the order placed by Metropolitan Philip Kolychev, once Father Superior of Solovetsky monastery who had done a lot for the monastery’s prosperity.
монастырь Соловецкий ( - 1923)
Solovetsky monastery М.: собор Успенский (1923 )
Moscow: cathedral of Dormition
St Sabbaty meets the Pomor hermit Germanus around 1430 on the shores of the White Sea near the village of Soroka, today Belomorsk


SS Sabbaty and Germanus set sail for the Solovetsky Island


On the Solovetsky Island, SS Sabbaty and Germanus stand in front of the cross that they erected and the hut that they built to live in


Angels whip a fisherman's wife, who by taking up her abode on the island thus obstructs the arrangement of the future monastery


The fisherman's wife tells St Germanus about her chastisement on Mount Whipping


St Germanus tells St Sabbaty about the miracle that took place on Mount Whipping


St Sabbaty offers up prayers in gratitude for the miracle


In 1435, entertaining premonitions of early demise, St Sabbaty goes from the island to the coast

22-96 Боголюбская

Andrew Bogolyubsky's Virgin 27
St Sabbaty prays for the administration of the Eucharist to the abbot of a tiny northern monastery, one Nathaniel, whom he encounters on the shore near the mouth of the Vyg River


St Sabbaty converses with Johann, a Novgorodian merchant visiting these northen parts


St Sabbaty is buried by abbot Nathaniel and the merchant Johann


St Germanus tells the Pomor recluse Zosima, who is from the Lake Onega Island of Tolvuy, about his life with St Sabbaty on Solovetsky Island


St Zosima has a vision of a "grand church" in the air above the future monastery


SS Zosima and Germanus set sail for the Solovetsky Island


St Zosima is tempted by demons


SS Zosima and Germanus stand before the church and cloistersthat they have built


St Zosima brings the relics of St Sabbaty from the Vyg River to the Solovetsky Island


Angels bring bread, flour and oil to St Zosima in the monastery


Monks meet St Zosima after his installation as abbot


The miracle of the wafer, when a monk sees a dog atempting to seize a burning wafer which merchants have lost


St Zosima appears to the elder, Daniel, who is harrassed by demons


The burial of St Zosima


SS Zosima and Sabbaty rescue from drowning the servant Andrew who is carried awayto sea on an iron pan


Praing by the tomb of St Zosima, the elder, Tarasy, ses the lid of the coffin move aside and the edge of a mantle hang out


The sick wife of the peasnt Onisim is healed at the tomb of St Zosima


SS Zosima and Sabbaty rescue two shipwreckedmariners from drowning


A sick child is healed by a Solovetsky elder, who invokes the aid of St Zosima


Hermits living as recluses in the wilderness are led into temptation, but communal living at the monastery guards them from temptation


The parable of the fleshpots (10)7
The parable of the righteous and unrighteous monks




Внизу помещены три крупных дополнительных «приточных» клейма, содержание которых связано с духовными подвигами монахов, преодолевающих искушения сатаны и соблазны мира ради достижения райских обителей Небесного Царства.
№ 5133 соб.
In 1967...78 the icon was completely freed of overpaint by G. Batkhel.
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Virgin museum
Peter museum
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