происхождение названия:
Слово "деисус" происходит от греческого слова "моление" (dehsiV).
Deesis, Greek for “prayer”.
Первыми молящими Иисуса Христа за человечество предстают БР и Иоанн Предтеча.
Образ получил особое распространение в византийском искусстве. В нём выражена идея заступничества БР, святых за род человеческий.
В состав Деисуса входит торжественное изображение Спасителя, стоящего на особом возвышении среди Иоанна Предтечи и БР.

The Deesis was also known as TriproswpoV parastasiV.

This is a symbolical group of Christ, the Virgin, and St John the Baptist.
Kondakoff has derived the scene from a court ceremony of the ninth century, in which a special hymn of praise was chanted before the emperor by two officials standing on either side. But others have seen in it a develoment of the Traditio Legis.
But whatever the origin, the group ultimately became apocalyptic, and forms the centre of the Last Judgement. The Virgin was held to represent the Church of the New Dispensation mediating between the Saviour as Judge and the world:
St John represented the Old Dispensation. Examples of this subject, which was especially popular from the tenth century onwards, occur in mosaics, enamels, and ivory carvings.
The Deesis appears in Western art as a result of Byzantine influence. Christ, the Virgin, and St John the Baptist in the Deesis arrangement appear in a few Western Dooms.

The appearance of this subject in Byzantine art is believed to date from the 6th century.

It is based mainly on the composition representing three personages:
the Savior (Christ the Pantocrator), who is flanked by the Virgin and St John the Baptist (represented in such a way in three mosaic medallions in Kiev's St Sophia cathedral from the first half of the 11th century).
The subject derives its name Deesis from the Greek world of entreaty.
Researchers maintain that the appearance of the Deesis series, which included various personages (great martyrs, holy warriors, fathers of the church), was influenced by Byzantine court ceremonials.
In time, the Deesis became one of the major parts of the iconostasis. The Theme is to portray mankind before Jesus Christ who appears here as Judge.
The archangels Gabriel and Michael were indispensable personages who distinguished the Virgin and St John the Baptist in the Deesis icons, which were used in iconostases of the 14-15th centuries.

Deesis is used as the title for icons showing Christ The Lord Almighty with Virgin to His right and St John the Baptist to His left, both turned toward Him in an attitude of prayer.

Virgin and John intercede with Him on behalf of humanity, beseeching Him for mercy.
The Deesis grouping is also the center of the Eastern Orthodox iconostasis. The iconostasis is the great screen covered with icons which separates the congregation from the altar in Russian churches.
There many saints form two rows approaching Christ in intercession from both sides.
Waist length versions are used in many icons, both on one panel and divided into one panel per figure.

The theme of the Deesis with full-length figures of saints is found as early as the 10th century, on a series of ivory triptychs. These are exceptionally fine pieces, where martyrs, warriors, physicians, hierarchs and apostles are represented in a harmonic composition intended to express the hierarchy of Paradise as conceived by the owner of the triptych in his devotions. The representation of the Deesis in steatite works is generally somewhat more summary, principally in iconography.

Deisis tier grew out of the original triptych of Christ, the Virgin and John the Baptist. Deisis tier means "order" and thus the addition of the angels, apostles, Church Fathers and others to the original three figures is meant to reflect the proper order of the world in the fulfillment of the New Testament Church - united in common movement toward Christ in prayer in a strict orderly succession, interceding on behalf of the sins of the world. The Deisis Tier is the most important part of the iconostasis and represents the goal of every church service - prayerful standing before the throne of God [3223]. Christ is usually depicted in the Deisis Tier in the form of the icon called Christ Pantocrator. It represents Christ enthroned as the Creator and Redeemer presiding over the destinies of the world. He is depicted in a circle, called a mandorla, representing His divine glory and surrounded by two squares which form an eight-pointed star symbolizing the "eighth day" - the future life.

Деисусные иконы из трёх фигур в XII - XIV веках располагались над царскими вратами. Кроме того, деисусы помещались над входными дверьми и воротами церковных и гражданских зданий, на верхних полях икон и т.д.

Аноним из Сюника {5233}
Anonymous painter of Syuniq

(Басин П.В. {4914}

Peter Basin)
Болякин И.
Ivan Bolyakin Бродлакович И. {1358}
Elijah Brodlakovich
Бруни Н.А.
Bruni N.A. Буторин Н.
Nikita Butorin Гаг А. {5607}
Anton Gag

Гриднева Ю. {4432}

Yulia Gridneva

Давыдов Ф. {4681}

Phillip Davydov

Джакопо М. ди {5651}

Meliore di Jacopo


Giotto di Bondone Дионисий и сыновья Владимир и Феодосий
Dionisy and sons Vladimir and Theodosy Живаго С.А.
S.A.Zhivago Жуков Я.
Jacob Zhukov Зиновьев Г.Т.
George Zinoviev Зинон
Zinon Кинцурашвили Л.
Lasha Kintsurashvili Клодт П.К.
P.K.Klodt Кошелев Н.А. {4914}
Nicholas Koshelev

Леонтьев М.

Michael Leontiev Массейс К.
Quentin Massys Нефф Т.А.
T.A.Neff Никифоров В.
Vladimir Nikiforov Павлов Д.
Dmitry Pavlov Паисеин И.
Ivan Paisein Прохор с Городца
Prokhor of Gorodetz Рублёв А.
Andrew Rublyov Стальнов А. {2725}
A. Stalnov

Тарасов А.Г. {6157}

Alexy G. Tarasov

Фёдоров Ю. {2731}

Yury Fyodorov


Феофан Грек
Theophanes the Greek
Хеллер Х. {5607}
Christian Heller

Чашкин А.

A. Chashkin
Швендигер А. {5607}
Alex Schwendiger
Sofrino Фирма бр. Грачёвых {5478}
Firm of brothers Grachyovs
~Деисус на древе жизни
~Deesis on the tree of life Деисус с архиепископом Эрибертом {1131}
Deesis with archbishop Eribertus

Мною царие царствуют и сильныи пишут правду {3304}

By I the tsars reign and the strong men write a truth

Предста Царица одесную Тебе (см. Царь царей)

The Queen did stand at Your right (see King of kings)

Собор святых с Деисусом на небесах {5483}

Assembly of saints with Deesis on heavens

Царь царей

King of Kings

Шестоднев {2246}

The Hexameron
Mount Athos Берн: собор
Bern: cathedral Болгария
Bulgaria Валаам: монастырь Валаамский Спасо-Преображенский
Valaam: monastery of Transfiguration Вашингтон: Византийское собрание Дамбартон-Окс
Washington: Byzantian collection Владимир: монастырь Владимирский Княгинин Успенский
Vladimir: Dormition monastery of Vladimir Владимир - Суздаль: ВСМЗ
Vladimir - Suzdal: museum Вологда: музей Областной краеведческий
Vologda: Museum of local lore Гроттаферрата {4000}
Grottaferrata near Rome

Дрогобыч (Украина): церковь Воздвижения Честного Креста

Drogobych: church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Ереван: Матенадаран
Erevan: Matenadaran Интернет
Virgin museum
Peter museum
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