Видение Рождества св. Бригитте
St Birgitta's vision of the Nativity
In her vision, Birgitta saw the Virgin dressed in a gown of white, having cast off her outer garment and shoes, adoring the newborn Christ who lay naked on the ground.
She describes St Joseph holding a candle whose light was outshone by the supernatural glow of Mother and Child.
Popularized by her Revelations, this vision greatly influenced the iconography of the Nativity in the 15th century.
Мартино ди Бартоломео
Martino di Bartolomeo
Турино Ванни {4162}
Turino Vanni
Берлин: Гос. музеи в Берлине, Картинная галерея
Berlin: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemaldegalerie
Пиза: Нац. музей св. Матфея
Pisa: Museo Nazionale di San Matteo
Филадельфия: Филадельфийский музей искусства {4163}
Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art

Флоренция: церковь Санта Мария Новелла

Florence: Santa Maria Novella
Virgin museum
Peter museum
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