Источники информации
3000 Swarzenski H. Vorgotische Miniaturen. - Konigstein and Leipzig, 1927.
3001 Swarzenski H. Die lateinischen illuminierten Handschriften des XIII. Jahrhunderts in den Landern an Rhein, Main und Donau. - Berlin, 1936, I; II.
3002 Lutze E. Studien zur Frankischen Buchmalerei des 12 und 13 Jahrhunderts: Dissertation. - Halle, 1931.
3003 Boeckler A. Deutsche Buchmalerei vorgotischer Zeit. - Konigstein im Taunus, 1953.
3004 Engelhart H. Die Wurzburger Buchmalerei im Hohen Mittelalter: Untersuchungen zu einer Gruppe Illuminierter Handschriften aus der Werkstatt der Wurzburger Dominikanerbibel von 1246. - Wurzburg, 1987.
3005 Buttner F.O. Das Christusbild auf Niedrigster Stilhohe: Ansichtigkeit und Korperdarstellungen der Jahrzehnte un 1300. Wiener Jahrbuch fur Kunstgeschichte XLVI/XLVII, 1993/4.
3006 Backhouse J. The illuminated page: Ten centuries of manuscript painting. - London, 1997.
3007 Warner G.F. Illuminated manuscripts in the British Museum, series 1-4. 1903.
3008 Warner G.F. Reproductions from illuminated manuscripts I. 1923.
3009 British Museum. Schools of illumination V. 1925.
3010 Herbert J.A. Illuminated manuscripts. - London, 1911.
3011 Vitzhum G. Die Pariser Miniaturmalerei v.d. zeit des hl. Ludwig bis zu Philipp V. Valois. 1907.
3012 Branner R. Manuscript painting in Paris during the reign of saint Louis. - Berkeley, 1977.
3013 Mongeri G. L’Arte del minio nel ducato di Milano dal secolo XII al XVI. Archivio Storico Lombardo 12, 1885.
3014 Durrieu P. La Miniature flamande au temps de la cour de Bourgogne (1415 - 1530). - Paris and Brussels, 1921.
3015 Duverger J. Gerald Horenbault (1465? - 1540): Hofschilder van Margareta van Oostenrijk // De Kunst: Maandblad voor Oude en Jonge Kunst I. 1930, pp. 81 - 90.
3016 Renaissance painting in manuscripts: Treasures from the British Library / ed. T. Kren. - New York, 1983.
3017 McKendrick S. Flemish illuminated manuscripts 1400-1550. - London, 2003.
3018 Kren T., McKendrick S. Illuminating the Renaissance: the triumph of Flemish manuscript painting in Europe. 2003.
3019 Brieger P. English Art 1216 - 1307, Oxford history of English art IV, 1st ed. - 1957; 2nd ed. - Oxford, 1968.
3020 Backhouse J. The illuminated manuscript. - Oxford, 1979.
3021 Morgan N.J. Early Gothic manuscripts (II) 1250 - 1285 (Survey of manuscripts illuminated in the British Isles). - London: Harvey Miller, 1988.
3022 Mellinkoff R. One is good, two are better: the twice-appearing ass in a thirteenth-century English nativity // New Offerings, Ancient Treasures: Studies in Medieval Art for George Henderson / ed. P. Binski and W. Noel. - Stroud, 2001, pp. 325 - 342.
3023 Curzon R. Catalogue of materials for writing. - London, 1849.
3024 Byzantine art, A European art: catalogue of the ninth exhibition held under the auspices of the Council of Europe at Zappeion Exhibition Hall. - Athens, 1964.
3025 Lowden J. Two Byzantine manuscripts dated 1285: B.L., Burney MS. 20 and Laur. Plut. 6.28.
3026 The Christian Orient. - London: British Library, 1978.
3027 Turyn A. Dated Greek manuscripts of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries in the libraries of Great Britain // Dumbarton Oaks Studies, XVII. - Washinton, D.C., 1980.
3028 Gamillscheg E. and D. Harlfinger. Repertorium der griechischen Kopisten 800-1600, 1: Grossbritannien (Veroffentlichungen der Kommission fur Byzantinistik 3.1). - Vienna, 1981, I.
3029 Spartharakis I. The portrait in Byzantine illuminated manuscripts. - Leiden, 1976.
3030 Spatharakis I. Corpus of dated illuminated Greek manuscripts // Byzantania Neerlandica, VIII. - Leiden, 1981.
3031 Cleminson R. A union catalogue of Cyrillic manuscripts in British and Irish collections. - London, 1988.
3032 Aland K. Kurzgefasste Liste der griechischen Handschriften des neuen Testaments (Arbeiten zur neutestamentlichen Textforschung 1). - Berlin, 1994.
3033 Byzantium. Treasures of Byzantine art and culture from British collections: exhibition catalogue / ed. D. Buckton. - London: British Museum, 1994.
3034 Summary catalogue of Greek manuscripts. - London: British Library, 1999.
3035 A descriptive catalogue of twenty illuminated manuscripts, Nos. LXXV to XCIV in the collection of Henry Yates Thompson (Third Series). - Cambridge, 1907.
3036 Millar E.G. The library of A. Chester Beatty: A descriptive catalogue of the Western manuscripts ii. 1930.
3037 Turner D. Illuminated manuscripts exhibited in the Grenville library. - London, 1967.
3038 Alexander J.J.G. The decorated letter. - London, 1978.
3039 Donovan C. The de Brailes Hours: Shaping the book of Hours in thirteenth-century Oxford. - London, 1991.
3040 Warner G.F. Descriptive catalogue of illuminated manuscripts in the library of C.W. Perrins. - Oxford, 1920.
3041 Winkler F. Die flamische Buchmalerei des XV. und XVI. Jahrhunderts: Kunstler und Werke von den Brudern van Eyck bis zu Simon Bening / Mit 91 Lichtdrucktafeln. - Leipzig, 1925; reprinted Amsterdam, 1978.
3042 London, Royal Academy of Arts. Flemish Art 1300-1700: Exhibition catalogue. - London, 1953.
3043 Van Buren A.H. The Master of Mary of Burgundy and his colleagues: The state of research and questions of method // Zeitschrift fur Kunstgeschichte 38 (1975), pp. 306 - 307.
3044 Pacht O. Die niederlandischen Stundenbucher des Lord Hastings // Litterae Textuales: Miniatures, Scripts, Collections , ed. J.P.Gumbert and M.J.M. de Haan (Amsterdam, 1976), IV, pp. 29 - 32.
3045 Scott K.L. The Caxton Master and his patrons. - Cambridge, 1976.
3046 Trenkler E. Rothschild-Gebetbuch Codex Vindobonensis seria nova 2844 des Osterreichischen Nationalbibliothek. - Graz, 1979.
3047 Backhouse J. Review of The Master of Mary of Burgundy by J.J.G.Alexander // Burlington Magazine 115 (1973), pp. 684 - 685.
3048 Winter, P. de. A Book of Hours of Queen Isabel la Catуlica // Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art 68 (1981).
3049 Tudor-Craig P. The Hours of Edward V and William Lord Hastings: British Library Additional 54782 // England in the fifteenth century: Proceedings of the 1986 Harlaxon symposium. - Suffolk: Woodbridge, 1987.
3050 Saxl F. A spiritual encyclopedia of the late Middle Ages // Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 5 (1942), pp. 82 - 134.
3051 Ker N. Medieval libraries of Great Britain, 2nd ed. - London, 1964.
3052 Evans M. The geometry of the mind // Architectural Association Quarterly 12 (1980).
3053 Marks R., Morgan N. The golden age of English manuscript painting 1200-1500. - London, 1981.
3054 Sandler L.F. Gothic manuscripts 1285-1385 (Survey of manuscripts illuminated in the British Isles). - London: Harvey Miller, 1986.
3055 Binski P. The painted chamber at Westminster. - London, 1986.
3056 Binski P., Park D., Norton E.C. Dominican painting in East Anglia: The Thornham Parva retable and the Musee de Cluny frontal. - Woodbridge, 1987.
3057 Binski P. Westminster Abbey and the Plantagenets. - New Haven and London, 1995.
3058 Kohler W. Die Karolingishen Miniaturen // Sonderabdruck aus dem Zweiten Bericht uber die Arbeiten an den Denkmalern Deutscher Kunst. - Berlin, ~1911.
3059 A guide to the exhibition of some part of the Egerton collection of manuscripts in the British Museum. - London, 1929.
3060 Pacht O., Dodwell C.R., Wormald F. The St Albans Psalter. - London, 1960.
3061 Heinzer F. Buchkultur und Bibliotheksgeschichte Hirsaus // Forschung und Berichte der Archдologie des Mittelalters in Baden-Wurttemberg Bd. 10/2, (Stuttgart, 1991).
3062 Backhouse J. The illuminated page: Ten centuries of manuscript painting. - London, 1997.
3063 Wright C.E. Fontes Harleiani. - London, 1972.
3064 Backhouse J. Books of Hours. - London,1985.
3065 Doutrepont G. La litterature francaise а la cour des ducs de Bourgogne: Philippe le Hardi--Jean sans Peur--Philippe le Bon--Charles le Temeraire. - Paris, 1909.
3066 Benedictins du Bouveret. Colophons des manuscrits occidentaux des origins au XVIe siиcle i. - Fribourg, 1965.
3067 Watson A.G. Catalogue of dated and datable manuscripts c.700-1600 in the department of manuscripts. - London: British Library, 1979.
3068 Vlaamse kunst op perkament : Handschriften en miniaturen te Brugge van de 12de tot de 16de eeuw: tentoonstelling ingericht door de Stad Brugge in het Gruuthusemuseum 18 juli - 18 oktober 1981. - Bruges, 1981.
3069 Burgio E. David Aubert la Vengance de la mort nostre seigneur: Contributo alla storia della tradizione // Studi testuali 5 (1998).
3070 Backhouse J. Founders of the Royal library: Edward IV and Henry VII as collectors of illuminated manuscripts // England in the Fifteenth Century: Proceedings of the 1986 Harlaxon Symposium (Woodbridge, Suffolk, 1987).
3071 Brown M.P. A guide to Western historical scripts from Antiquity to 1600. - London, 1990.
3072 Kren T. "Introduction." Margaret of York, Simon Marmion and the Visions of Tondal / ed. T. Kren. - Malibu, 1992.
3073 McKendrick S. The Romuleon and the manuscripts of Edward IV // England in the fifteenth century / ed. N. Rogers. - Stamford, 1994.
3074 Straub R.E.F. David Aubert, escripvain et clerc. - Amsterdam/Atlanta, GA, 1995.
3075 Straub R.E.F. La tradition manuscrite de la vie de Jesus-Christ en sept parties. - Montreal, 1998.
3076 Carley J.P., ed. The libraries of king Henry VIII, Corpus of British Medieval library catalogues 7. - London, 2000.
3077 Palaeographical Society 1884 - 94.
3078 Cockerell S., Thompson H.Y. A descriptive catalogue of twenty illuminated manuscripts, Nos. LXXV to XCIV (Replacing twenty discarded from the original hundred) in the collection of Henry Yates Thompson. 3rd series, Cambridge, 1907.
3079 Serafini A. Richerche sulla miniatura umbra (secoli XIV-XVI): La scuola peruginesca // L’Arte 15 (1912).
3080 Venturi A. Storia dell’arte italiana: La pittura del quattrocento. - Milan, 1914, VII.
3081 Thompson H.Y. Illustrations from one hundred manuscripts: Series VI. - London, 1916.
3082 D’Ancona P. La miniatura italienne du Xe au XVIe siиcle. - Paris, 1925.
3083 Canuti F. Il Perugino. - Siena, 1931.
3084 Wardrop J. Pierantonio Sallando and Girolamo Pagliorolo, scribes to Giovanni II Bentivoglio // Signature 2 (1946).
3085 Bober P.P. Drawings after the Antique by Amico Aspertini. - London, 1957.
3086 Salmi M. Italian miniatures. - New York, 1957.
3087 De Marinis T. La legatura artistica in Italia nei secoli XV e XVI. - Florence, 1960.
3088 British Museum, Reproductions from illuminated manuscripts. - 1965.
3089 Dacos N. La decouverte de la Domus Aurea et la formation des grotesques а la renaissance. - London, 1969.
3090 Munby A.N.L. Connoisseurs and Medieval miniatures 1750 - 1850. - Oxford, 1972.
3091 Alexander J.J.G. Italian Renaissance illuminations. - London and New York, 1977.
3092 Tosetti Grandi P. Lorenzo Costa miniatore // La miniatura italiana tra gotico e rinascimento: Atti del II Congresso di storia della miniatura italiana, Cortona, 1982, ed. E. Sesti. - Florence, 1985.
3093 Hobson A.R.A. Humanists and bookbinders: The origins and diffusion of humanistic bookbinding 1459 - 1559. - Cambridge, 1989.
3094 Alexander J.J.G. Matteo da Milano, Illuminator // Pantheon 50 (1992).
3095 Lollini F. Appunti su Matteo da Milano // Studi umanistici Piceni 12 (1992), pp. 143 - 154.
3096 Alexander J.J.G. The painted page: Italian Renaissance book illumination 1450-1550. - London, 1994.
3097 Martin H.M.R. La miniature francaise du XIIIe au XVe siиcle. - Paris and Brussels, 1923.
3098 Адамова А., Грек Т. Миниатюры кашмирских рукописей / Miniatures from kashmirian manuscripts. 1976.
3099 James M.R. A descriptive catalogue of fifty manuscripts from the collection of Henry Yates Thompson. - Cambridge, 1898.
3100 Bousmanne B. Item Guillaume Wyelant aussi enlumineur. - Brussels, 1997.
3101 Thompson H.Y. Facsimiles in photogravure of six pages from a Psalter written & illuminated about 1325 A.D. for a member of the St Omer Family in Norfolk. - London, 1900.
3102 Thompson H.Y. A lecture on some English illuminated manuscripts. - London, 1889; 1902.
3103 James M.R. A descriptive catalogue of the second series of fifty manuscripts (Nos. 51 to 100) in the collection of Henry Yates Thompson. - Cambridge, 1902.
3104 Cockerell S. C. The Gorleston Psalter. - London, 1907.
3105 Burlington fine arts club. Illustrated catalogue of exhibition of illuminated manuscripts. - 1908.
3106 Millar E.G. English illuminated manuscripts of the XIVth and XVth centuries. - Paris, 1928.
3107 Saunders O.E. English illumination. - Florence and Paris, 1928.
3108 Pacht O. A Giottesque episode in English illumination // Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 6 (1943).
3109 Evans J. English art 1307 - 1461. - Oxford, 1949.
3110 Rickert M. Painting in Britain: the Middle Ages. - London, 1954.
3111 Rickert M. La miniatura inglese: II, Dal XIII al XV secolo. - Milan, 1961.
3112 Castle museum, Norwich, Medieval art in East Anglia 1300 - 1520 / ed. P. Lasko and N.J.Morgan. - 1973.
3113 A descriptive catalogue of fourteen illuminated manuscripts (Nos. XCV to CVII and 79A) completing the hundred in the library of Henry Yates Thompson. - Cambridge, 1912.
3114 Thompson H.Y. Illustrations from one hundred manuscripts in the library of Henry Yates Thompson. Consisting of sixty-nine plates illustrating ten MSS. of various countries from the IXth to the XVIth centuries. - London, 1912.
3115 Meiss M. French painting in the time of Jean de Berry: The late XIV century and the patronage of the Duke. - London, 1967.
3116 Meiss M. French painting in the time of Jean de Berry: The Limbourgs and their contemporaries. - London, 1974.
3117 Winkler F. Ein neues Werk aus der Werkstatt Pauls von Limburg // Repertorium fur Kunstwissenschaft 34 (1911), pp. 536 - 543.
3118 Durrieu P. Les trиs Belles Heures de Notre-Dame du duc Jean de Berry. - Paris, 1922.
3119 Porcher J. Les Belles Heures de Jean de France, duc de Berry. - Paris, 1953.
3120 Meiss M. The Master of the Breviary of Jean Sans Peur and the Limbourgs (Lecture on Aspects of Art: Henriette Hertz Trust of the British Academy, Oxford , 1970).
3121 Sigrid Kramer. Handschriftenerbe des deutschen Mittelalters, Mittelalterliche Bibliothekskataloge Deutschlands und der Schweiz: Eragnzungsband 1 (3 vols, Munich, 1989...90).
3122 Jenner H. The Bodmin Gospels. Presidential address of the spring meeting of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, 23rd May,1922 // Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall (1923), pp. 97 - 145.
3123 Boeckler A. Das Goldene Evangelienbuch Heinrichs III. - Berlin, 1933. [Facsimile]
3124 Backhouse J. A Victorian Connoisseur and his manuscripts: the Tale of Mr Jarman and Mr Wing // British Museum Quarterly 32 (1968).
3125 Jones M., ed. Fake? The art of deception. - London, 1990.
3126 Brown T.J., Meredith-Owens G.M., Turner D.H. Manuscripts from the Dyson Perrins Collection // British Museum Quarterly 23 (1960-61).
3127 Turner D.H. Reproductions from illuminated manuscripts, series 5. - London, 1965.
3128 Dearden J.S. John Ruskin, the Collector // The Library, series 5 (1966).
3129 Buchthal H. Miniature painting in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. - Oxford, 1957.
3130 Boase T.S.R. Ecclesiastical art in the crusader states in Palestine and Syria // A history of the crusades / ed. K.M.Setton. - Madison, WI, and London, 1977.
3131 Folda J. A twelfth-century prayerbook for the queen of Jerusalem // Medieval Perspectives 8 (1993), pp. 1 - 14.
3132 Schryver A. De. Nicolas Spierinc Calligraphe et enlumineur des Ordonnances des Etats de l'Hotel de Charles le Temeraire // Scriptorium 23 (1969), pp. 434 - 458.
3133 The golden age of Dutch manuscript painting / ed. J.H. Marrow et al. - New York, 1990.
3134 Hoek K. van der. De Noordhollandse verluchter Spierinck: Haarlem en/of Beverwijk, ca. 1485 - 1519 // Middeleeuwse handschriftenkunde in de Nederlanden 1988: verslag van Groningse Codicologendagen 28-29 april 1988 / ed. J.M.M.Hermans. - Grave, 1989, pp. 163 - 182.
3135 Hoek K. van der. The North Holland illuminator Spierinck: Some attributions reconsidered // Masters and miniatures: Proceedings of the congress on Medieval manuscript illumination in the Nothern Netherlands (Utrecht, 10-13 December 1989) / ed. K. van der Horst and J.-C. Klamt. - Doornsprijk, 1991.
3136 Bennett J.Q. Portman square to New Bond street, or, How to make money though rich // The Book Collector 16 (1967), pp. 323 - 339.
3137 Foot M. Pictorial bookbindings. - London, 1986.
3138 Meredith C. The illustrations of Codex Ebnerianus. A study in liturgical illustration of the comnenian period // Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes. Volume XXIX (London, 1966), pp. 419 - 424.
3139 Nordenfalk C., facs. ed. Codex Caesareus Upsaliensis: an Echternach Gospel-Book of the eleventh century. - Stockholm, 1971.
3140 Avril F., Rabel C. Bibliotheque nationale de France. Departement des manuscrits. Centre de recherche sur les manuscrits enlumines: Manuscrits enlumines d’origine germanique. Tome I, Xe-XIVe siиcle. - Paris, 1995.
3141 Wormald F. The Yates Thompson manuscripts // British Museum Quarterly 16 (1951), pp. 4 - 6.
3142 Sterling C. La peinture medievale а Paris 1300-1500. - Paris, 1987.
3143 Avril F., Reynaud N. Les manuscrits а peintures en France 1440-1520. - Paris, 1993.
3144 Panofsky E. Early Netherlandish painting. - Cambridge, Mass., 1953.
3145 Sandler L.F. A Follower of Jean Pucelle in England // Art Bulletin 52 (1970).
3146 Klingender F. Animals in art and thought to the end of the Middle Ages. - London, 1971.
3147 Harthan J. Books of Hours and their owners. - London, 1977.
3148 Sandler L.F. An early fourteenth-century English Psalter in the Escorial // Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 42 (1979), pp. 71 - 73.
3149 Marx C.W., Skey M.A. Aspects of the iconography of the devil at the Crucifixion // Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 42 (1979), pp. 233 - 235.
3150 Diringer D. The illuminated book, its history and production. -New York, 1958.
3151 Brinkmann B. Die flamische Buchmalerei am Ende des Burgunderreichs: der Meister des Dresdener Gebetbuchs und die Miniaturisten seiner Zeit. - Turnhout, 1997.
3152 James M.R. A descriptive catalogue of the second series of fifty manuscripts (Nos. 51 to 100) in the collection of Henry Yates Thompson. - Cambridge, 1902.
3153 Alexander J.J.G. A lost leaf from a Bodleian Book of Hours // The Bodleian Library Record 8 (1967 - 72), pp. 248 - 251.
3154 Meiss M. Italian style in Catalonia and a 14th century Catalan workshop // Journal of the Walters art gallery 4 (1941), pp. 45 - 87.
3155 Wormald F. Afterthoughts on the Stockholm exhibition // Konsthistorisk Tidskrift 22 (1953), pp. 75 - 84.
3156 Kollner H. Zur Datierung der Bibel von Floreffe. Bibelhandschriften als Geschichtsbucher? // Rhein und Maas 2 (Cologne, 1973), pp. 361 - 376.
3157 Cahn W. Romanesque Bible illumination. - New York, 1982.
3158 Zaluska Y. Entre texte et image: les stemmatic bibliques au Sud et au Nord des Pyreneess // Bulletin de la Societe National des Antiquaires de France (Paris, 1986), pp. 142 - 160.
3159 Medieval mastery: Book illumination from Charlemagne to Charles the Bold 800 - 1475. - Leuven, 2002.
3160 Pacht O., Alexander J.J.G. Illuminated manuscripts in the Bodleian library. - Oxford, .
3161 Bradley J.W. Dictionary of miniaturists, vol. 1, 1887.
3162 D'Adda G. L'Arte del minio nel ducato di Milano dal secolo XIII al XVI // Archivio Storico Lombardo 12 (1885), pp. 759 - 760.
3163 Mars A.M. Polish miniature painters in the first half of the 16th century // Burlington Magazine 85 (1945), pp. 17 - 20.
3164 Sawicka S. A propos du catalogue des manuscrits enlumines de la bibliotheque bodleinne // Scriptorium 27 (1973), pp. 306 - 308.
3165 Mare A. de la. Bartolomeo Sanvito da Padova, copista e miniatore // Parole Dipinte: La Miniatura a Padova dal Medioevo al settecento (Exhibition catalogue, Padua, 1999), pp. 495 - 505.
3166 Gillmeister H. Die mittelalterlichen Ballspiele eine Chronologie ihrer Entwicklung // Studion 10 (1984 CHECK), pp. 77 - 94.
3167 Dogaer G. Flemish miniature painting in the 15th and 16th centuries. - Amsterdam, 1987.
3168 Smeyers M., Van der Stock J. Flemish illuminated manuscripts 1475-1550. - Ghent, 1996.
3169 Smeyers, M. Vlaamse miniaturen van de 8ste tot het midden van de 16de eeuw : de middeleeuwse wereld op perkament. - Tirion, 1998.
3170 Farley M.A., Wormald F. Three related English Romanesque manuscripts // Art Bulletin 22 (1940), pp. 157 - 160.
3171 Boase T.S.R. English art, 1100 - 1216. - Oxford, 1953.
3172 Kauffmann C.M. Romanesque manuscripts 1066-1190 (Survey of manuscripts illuminated in the British Isles). - London: Harvey Miller, 1975.
3173 McConica J.K. English humanists and reformation politics under Henry VIII and Edward VI. - Oxford, 1965.
3174 Trapp J.B. John Colet, his manuscripts and the Ps-Dionysius // Classical Influences on European Culture, AD 1500-1700 / ed. R.R.Bolgar (Cambridge,1971), pp. 205 - 221.
3175 Trapp J.B. Notes on manuscripts written by Pieter Meghen // The Book Collector 24 (1975), pp. 80 - 96.
3176 Trapp J.B. Pieter Meghen (1455/7-1540), scribe and courier // Erasmus in English, vol.2 (1981-1982), pp. 28 - 36.
3177 Gibaud H. Un inedit d'Erasme: la premiиre version du Nouveau Testament copiee par Pierre Meghen 1506-1509. - Angers, 1982.
3178 Brown A.J. The date of Erasmus. Latin translation of the New Testament // Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society 8 (1984), pp. 351 - 380.
3179 Trapp J.B. Erasmus, Colet and More: The Early Tudor Humanists and their Books (Panizzi Lectures 1990). - London, 1991.
3180 James M.R. The Bestiary: Being a reproduction of the manuscript Ii.4.26 in the university library, Cambridge (…). - Oxford: Roxburghe Club, 1928.
3181 Saxl F., Meier H. Verzeichnis astrologischer und mythologischer illustrierter Handschriften des lateinischen Mittelalters. III. Handschriften in englischen Bibliotheken (Catalogue of astrological and mythological illuminated manuscripts of the Latin Middle Ages. III. Manuscripts in English libraries). - London, 1953.
3182 McCulloch F. Medieval Latin and French bestiaries. - Chapel Hill, 1960.
3183 Payne A. Medieval beasts. - London, 1990.
3184 Baxter R. Bestiaries and their users in the Middle Ages. - London, 1998.
3185 Kenyon F.C. Facsimiles of biblical manuscripts in the British Museum. - London, 1900.
3186 Nersessian S. der. L'illustration des psautiers grecs du moyen age, II. - Paris, 1970.
3187 Anderson J.C. On the nature of the Theodore Psalter // Art Bulletin 70 (1988), pp. 550 - 568.
3188 Hutter I. Decorative systems in Byzantine manuscripts and the scribe as artist: evidence from manuscripts in Oxford // Word and Image 12 (1996), pp. 4 - 5.
3189 Evans H.C., Wixom W.D., ed. The glory of Byzantium: Art and culture of the Middle Byzantine Era A.D. 843-126. - New York, 1997.
3190 Breitenbach E. Speculum Humanae Salvationis. Eine Typengeschichtliche Untersuchung, in Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte, 272. - Strassbourg, 1930.
3191 Flanders in a European perspective: Manuscript illumination around 1400 in Flanders and abroad / eds. M. Smeyers, B. Cardon. - Leuven, 1995.
3192 Kohl A. Arnsteiner Handschriften im Britischen Museum zu London // Nassovia. Zeitschrift fur nassauische Geschichte und Heimatkunde 4 (1903), pp. 106 - 108, 120 - 121, 133 - 134.
3193 Levison W. Conspectus codicum hagiographicorum // Monumenta Germanica historiae. Scriptores rer. Merov. VII (1920).
3194 Hoddick F. Das Munstermaifelder Legendar: Diss. Phil. - Bonn,1928. - 63 p.
3195 Schilling R. Studien zur deutschen Goldschmiedekunst des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts // Form und Inhalt: Festschrift fur Otto Schmitt zum 60. Geburtstag (1950), pp. 76 - 78.
3196 Weismann W. Die 'Passio Genesii mimi' (BHL 3320) // Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 12 (1977), pp. 22 - 43.
3197 Dolbeau F. La Passion des saints Lucius et Montanus. Histoire et edition du texte // Revue des Etudes Augustiniennes XXIX (Paris, 1983), pp. 39 - 82.
3198 Philippart G. Les Legendes Latines de Sainte Verena. Pour une Histoire de Leur Diffusion // Analecta Bollandiana. Revue Critique d’Hagiographie 103, Fasc. 3-4 (Brussells, 1985), pp. 253 - 302.
3199 Strutt J. A supplement to the regal and ecclesiastical antiquities (1792) [An early monograph with 12 plates].
3200 Pickering O.S. Some similiarities between the Queen Mary Psalter and the Northern Passion // Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 35 (1972), pp. 135 - 144.
3201 Dennison L. An Illuminator of the Queen Mary Psalter Group: The Ancient 6 Master // Antiquaries Journal 66 (1986), pp. 287 - 314.
3202 D'Ancona P. La miniatura fiorentina: secoli XI-XVI, 2 vols. - Florence, 1914.
3203 Ullman B. L. The origin and development of humanistic script. - Rome, 1960.
3204 Alpatov M.V. Treasures of Russian art of the 11th-16th centuries. - Leningrad: Aurora Art Publishers, 1971.
3205 Onasch K. Altrussische Ikonen. - Berlin: Union Verlag, 1977.
3206 Merback. The thief, the cross, and the wheel.
3207 Mirzoyan A. Grigor Tatevatsi and Anonymous Painter of Syuniq. - ?: Sovetakan Grogh, 1987.
3208 Anzelewsky F. Albrecht Durer Das malerische Werk. - Berlin, 1971.
3209 Moriz Thausing. Durer, Geschichte seines Lebens und seiner Kunst. - Leipzig, 1876.
3210 Albert Durer, His Life and Works / Fred A. Eaton Ed. 2 vols. - London, 1882.
3211 Jonhstone Р. The Byzantine tradition in church embroidery. - London, 1967.
3212 Guinard P. Zurbaran et les peintres espagnols de la vie monastique. Paris, 1960.
3213 Lafontaine-Desogne J. Iconographie de l'enfance de la Vierge dans l'Empire byzantin et en Occident. - Bruxelles, 1964 - 65. Vol. 1 - 2.
3214 Vasari. Lives of the artists.
3215 Her face: Images of the Virgin Mary in Art.
3216 Bryan. Dictionary of painters and engravers. Edgecombe-Haley.
3217 Hand J.O. The Saint Anne Altarpiece by Gerard David. - Washington, D.C.: NGA, 1992.
3218 Senler E. The Icon Image of the Invisible.
3219 Cavarnos C. Guide to Byzantine Iconography.
3220 Ouspensky L. Theology of the Icon.
3221 Kalokyris C. Orthodox Iconography.
3222 Lazarev V.N. Theophanes der Grieche und seine Schule. - Dresden: VEB Verlag der Kunst, 1968.
3223 Ouspensky L., Lossky V. The Meaning of Icons. 1982.
3224 Middeldorf U. Complete Catalogue of the Samuel H. Kress Collection: European Sculptures XIV-XIX Century. 1976.
3225 Valentiner W.R. The Henry Goldman Collection. - New York, 1922.
3226 Rare Paintings and Sculptures in Drey Collection // ArtN (29 March 1930), p. 3 - 5.
3227 Williams E.V. The Bells of Russia. History and Technology.
3228 Linnik I. Die Anbetung der Konige von Rembrandt // Pantheon, 1969, XXVII, Januar - Februar, SS. 36 - 41.
3229 Bredius A. Rembrandt. The Complete Edition of the Paintings. - London, 1969.
3230 Rembrandt 1669/1969. Tentoonstelling ter herdenking van Rembrandts sterfdag op 4 oktober 1669: Catalogus. - Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum.
3231 Benesch O. The Drawings of Rembrandt. Vol. I - VII. - London, 1954 - 57.
3232 Bartsch A. Catalogue raisonné de toutes les estampes qui forment l'æuvre de Rembrandt et ceux de ses principaux imitateurs. Vol. I - II. - Vienne, 1797.
3233 Wellekens J.B. Verschiedene Gedichten. - Amsterdam, 1729.
3234 Hoet G. Catalogus of Naamlijst van schilderijen, met derselven prijzen..., D. I - II, 's Gravenhage, 1752.
3235 Bode W. Die Gemäldegalerie in der Kaiserlichen Eremitage. Meisterwerke der holländischen Schule. - St.-Petersburg, 1873.
3236 Bode W. Studien zur Geschichte der holländischen Malerei. - Braunschweig, 1883.
3237 Valentiner W.R. Rembrandt. Des Meisters Gemälde, 3. Aufl. - Stuttgart - Leipzig, 1909.
3238 Hofstede de Groot C. Beschreibendes und kritisches Verzeichnis der Werke der hervorragendsten holländischen Maler des XVII. Jahrhunderts, Bd. VI. - Esslingen - Paris, 1915.
3239 Weisbach W. Rembrandt. - Berlin, 1926.
3240 Stechow W. Rembrandts Darstellungen der Kreuzabnahme // Jahrbuch der preubischen Kunstsammlungen.1929, 50, SS. 217 ff.
3241 Benesch O. Rembrandt. Werk und Forschung. - Wien, 1935.
3242 Rosenberg J. Rembrandt. Vol. I - II. - Cambridge (Mass.), 1948.
3243 Hamann R. Rembrandt. - Potsdam, 1948.
3244 Slive S. Rembrandt and His Critics, 1630 - 1730. - The Hague, 1953.
3245 Knuttel G. Rembrandt. De meester en zijn werk. - Amsterdam, 1956.
3246 Gerson H. Rembrandt Paintings. - Amsterdam, 1968.
3247 Haak B. Rembrandt. Zijn leven, zijn werk, zijn tijd. - Amsterdam, 1968.
3248 Russian lacquer miniature.
3249 Nolhac P. de. Francois Boucher. - Paris, 1907.
3250 Ernst S. L'exposition de la peinture francaise des XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles au musee de l'Ermitage a Petrograd 1922 - 1925 // GBA. 1928. T. 17.
3251 Cordey J. Inventaire des biens de Madame de Pompadour redige apres son deces. - Paris, 1939.
3252 Sterling Ch. Musee de l'Ermitage. La peinture francaise de Poussin a nos jours. - Paris, 1957.
3253 Münich E. Catalogue des tableaux qui se trouvent dans les Galeries et dans les cabinets du Palais imperial de Saint-Petersbourg. - Saint-Petersbourg, 1774.
3254 Ráau L. Catalogue de l'art francais dans les musees russes. - Paris, 1929.
3255 Messelet J. Jean Restout // Archives de l'art francais. 1938. T. 19.
3256 Stuffman M. Les tableaux de la collection de Pierr Crozat // GBA, 1968, juillet-sept.
3257 Rosenberg P., Schnapper A. Jean Restout (1692 - 1768). Vusee des Beaux-Arts de Rouen: Cat. exp. 1970.
3258 Guiffrey J. L'oeuvre de P.P.Prud'hon. - Paris, 1924.
3259 Guizot F. Etudes sur les Beaux-Arts. Salon de 1810. - Paris, 1852.
3260 Mireur H. Dictionnaire des ventes d'art. - Paris, 1839.
3261 Ráau L. Histoire de l'expansion de l'art francais moderne. Le monde slave et l'orient. - Paris, 1924.
3262 Gueorguievskaia E., Kouznetsova J. La peinture francaise au musee Pouchkine. - Leningrad, 1980.
3263 Wildenstein G. Ingres. - London, 1956.
3264 Vernier L. De la Madonne executee pour le Grand Duc heritier de toutes les Russies par M. Ingres // L'Artiste. 1841. P. 1.
3265 Lenormant Ch. La Viegre adorant l'Eucharistie, tableau de M. Ingres // L'Artiste. 1841. P. 430.
3266 Delaborde H. Ingres, sa vie et ses travaux Paris, 1876.
3267 Lapauze H. Ingres, sa vie et son oeuvre. - Paris, 1911.
3268 Ternois et Camesasca. Ingres. - Paris, 1971.
3269 LCI. Bde. 3. S. 154 - 233. (Библиография)
3270 Mouriki D. Variants of the Hodegetria on two thirteenth-century Sinai icons // Can. Arhc. 1991. Vol. 39. P. 153 - 182.
3271 Sevcenko N.P. Types of the Virgin Mary // The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium. - N.Y.; Oxf., 1991. Vol. 3. P. 2175 - 2176.
3272 Marienlexikon.
3273 Грабар A. L’Hodigitria et l’Еleousа // ЗЛУ. 1974. Т. 10. С. 3 - 4.
3274 Бабић Г. Епитети Богородици козу дете грли // ЗЛУ. 1985. Т. 21. С. 261 - 275.
3275 Maria. Etudes sur la Saint Vierge. - Paris, 1949 - 1961. 1 - 5.
3276 Lexikon der Marienkunde. - Regensburg, 1957.
3277 Grabar A. Christian Iconography: A Study of Its Origins. - Princeton, 1968.
3278 Grabar A. Les images de la Vierge de Tendresse: type iconographique et theme (a propos de deux icones de Decani) // Зограф. Београд, 1975. P. 25 - 30.
3279 Grabar A. Remarques sur l’iconographie byzantine de la Vierge // Cah. Arch. P., 1977. Vol. 26. P. 169 - 178.
3280 Татиh-Ъурић М. Икона Богородице «Прекрасне», ньено порекло и распространьеност // Зб. Светозара Радоjчиhа. Београд, 1969. С. 335 - 354.
3281 Isaaks-Kathedrale. Leningrad. - Leningrad: Aurora-Kunstverlag, 1980. Исаакиевский собор. Ленинград. Альбом (на немецком языке). - Л.: Аврора, 1980. - 164 с.
3282 Ettlinger L.D. The Sistine chapel before Michaelangelo. - Oxford, 1965.
3283 Seymour C. Michaelangelo. The Sistine chapel ceiling. - L., [1972].
3284 Byzantium: treasures of Byzantine / Ed. by D. Buckton. - London: The British Museum Press, 1994.
3285 Baron F. Les fastes du Gothique: le sie. - Paris: Grand Palais, 1981.
3389 Календарь настенный "Православный 2001: Что вкушать в посты и праздники".
3637 Манускрипт западный. 12 в. Лондон: музей Британский.
3644 Книга "Проповеди Григория". 12 в.
3866 Книга. Тенихина В.М. Петродворец. Коттедж: Фотоальбом. - Л.: Лениздат, 1990.
3867 Книга. Кутузов В.Д. Ярославль: Фотопутеводитель. - Ярославль: Верх.-Волж. кн. изд-во, 1995. - 144 с.
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